
Nomage is a lexical database of French deverbal nouns, extracted from the French Treebank.

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Welcome to the Nomage project

Nomage is a lexical semantics (linguistics) project centering on the formal description of syntactic and semantic properties of French deverbal nouns, eg: "bombarder" (V) -> "bombardement" (N). Each noun's syntax-semantics argument mappings are described, each noun is linked to its original sentence in the FTB corpus. This github project hosts the initial Nomage database for distributing and updating the data. It includes:

  • the original SQL dump of version 1.0 of the database
  • an XML LMF-compliant version of the database.

It will contain future versions of this database, in SQL as well as other formats: CSV, RDF, Neo4J graph database among others.

A. Balvet